Doing What Nature Does ...Only a Million Times Faster

Over millions of years, Earth formed a natural water filter, layer upon layer of materials from large stones to the fineness of sands and carbon to filter out impurities and then, creating massive underground reservoirs of fresh clean water. We now find Earth's filter clogged with no easy way to clean it. Leading to the global expansion and need of treatment plants- and for new and innovative technologies to support the ever growing demand.

Our technology simulates the conditions of nature in a tightly controlled environmental chamber; it can rapidly, by order of magnitude, accelerate the processes of decomposition, oxidation, and reduction from decades, centuries, & even millennia down to seconds or minutes.

Introducing a novel technology

This extraordinary versatile technology is capable of reducing or eliminating:

  • Heavy Metals
  • Trace Organic Compounds
  • Total Suspended Solids (TSS)
  • Turbidity
  • Micro-biologicals such as Cyanobacteria, Coliform bacteria, E. Coli, Vibrio Cholerae, and Protozoan Parasites
  • The benefits of utilizing our technology are:

  • No Bacterial Additives
  • No Chemical Additives
  • No Polyelectrolyte Additives
  • Reduces or Eliminates the algae causing Phosphorus and Nitrogen in the water supply
  • Removes chemical and biological agents in one step
  • Offers economic alternatives to industrial water users by enabling the recycling of water that is safe for various processes
  • Low operating costs
  • Cost effective equipment maintenance
  • Greatly reduced footprint requirement compared to conventional methods
  • Cost/Value basis purchase or lease options - providing shorter ROI
  • 14 Stage Water Refining & Purification System

    1. Large particle pre-filtration
    2. Course particle pre-filtration
    3. Fluid pressure intensifier
    4. Electro Water Separation
    5. Hydroxyl Production/Release
    6. Sediment trap micron pre-filtration
    7. Micron Pre-filtration
    8. Micron Filtration
    9. Sub-Micron Filtration
    10. Microbiological removal & disinfection
    11. Post Filtration Ozonation Oxidation-Disinfection
    12. Post-filtration UV irradiation & Sanitization
    13. Microbiological removal & disinfection
    14. Taste and odor control, Heavy Metal Reduction