Founded by Dr. Danny Thomas, W4TW has delivered water purification systems to needy people in Africa and other parts of the developing world for 18 years. Every day, 1.2 million people get clean drinking water from solutions provided by W4TW. Most of this has been from placing over 80,000 concrete sand filter systems. While useful and very inexpensive to deploy, the reality is that, like a lot of cost-effective water purification solutions, they just don’t deliver enough volume of water or sustainable enough, to meet the ever-growing demand for clean drinking water. This realization is what led Dr. Thomas to Square 1 and the development of the Square 1 water treatment and purification technology solution.
Dr. Thomas is a credentialled UN Goodwill Ambassador for drinking water projects and is considered a subject matter expert on the issue. He has developed a network of over 1200 churches in Africa and India that promote and support the W4TW Mission locally. He has also built close contacts and relationships with government officials and leaders in the areas his Mission has touched.

WFTW is on a mission to help ease the humanitarian crisis caused by the fact that our planet’s freshwater supply of potable water is rapidly disappearing due to pollution and accelerating population growth in the developing world. This humanitarian crisis is of epic proportions:
1.4 billion people worldwide have no access to clean water and are forced to drink unsafe, dirty water on a daily basis.
A child dies every 14.5 seconds from drinking contaminated water.
Dr. Danny Thomas, the founder of WFTW, has witnessed this crisis firsthand for decades and made it his life mission to end this tragedy that plays out every single day in developing nations. This led Dr. Thomas to Square1 Technologies where he inspired Dr. Finfrock to build him a water treatment system that can produce affordable, reliable, and sustainable supplies of safe, clean drinking water.
After 8 years of R&D, the SB 5000 water treatment and purification system was developed and is now being produced for WFTW by SQ1. These systems are game changers in that they can produce clean drinking water out of almost any dirty water source in about 3 minutes. They are cost-effective and easy to maintain and operate which provides significant advantages over currently available water treatment systems. These systems are currently being commissioned into service in Kenya with the goal and momentum to proliferate 1,000s of systems across the continent of Africa over the next 5 years.
But realizing it would take more than just a technology solution, WFTW and SQ1 also developed an innovative business model to sustain and self-fund the growth of the WFTW Mission. SB5000 systems are located and operated as low-cost bottled water drinking water kiosks by WFTW in commercially viable areas of Africa. The bottled water is marketed to people in Africa who have financial resources and currently buy expensive bottled water for their drinking water needs. The bottled water industry is a US$9 billion per year business! The bottled water is sold for substantially less (sometimes as much as 80%) than prevailing local prices. After all the bills are paid, a portion of the revenues goes to purchase more systems and provide free drinking water to the less fortunate people in the area who cannot afford to buy water at any costs. This is promoted as a true commercial business supporting a humanitarian mission where success can be measured in lives saved and dramatic improvements in quality of life.
Additionally, the model also generates much needed economic impact through the creation of well-paying jobs in each local community served. Local, state and federal governments are enthusiastically embracing and supporting this very impactful and straightforward program, providing valuable local assistance to ensure the success of WFTW’s important Mission.