Transform Africa, Inc. was founded by His Excellency Dr. Rollan Roberts to solve complex systematic and structural clean water, entrepreneur education, food security, and national security challenges and facilitate strategic impactful investment to accelerate the economic, technological, educational, social and healthcare transformation of Africa. As the second-largest continent in the world representing 15+% of the world’s population (1.352 billion), Africa is the last great continent for extraordinary social and economic development that directly affects 70% of the world's youth by 2030.


Transform Africa's clean water program, The Water Mission, is unlike any other approach as it uses the best technology in the world to produce the cleanest water on earth sustainably, economically, and in partnership with locals. Trying to locate this type of superior technology led TA to Square1 and the development of the SQ1 WB10000, a containerized, complete water treatment and purification plant. Our partnership and ability to provide our machines throughout Africa empowers local communities, and allows African women/children to take showers once a week instead of once every 6 months.


Transform Africa is working with Kenyan officials to fund the purchase and deployment of the first 94 systems in Kenya. Production on the first systems is projected to begin in July of 2023 with a targeted goal of deploying all 94 systems by the end of the year.


To comprehensively roll out and implement such a Program, requires both public and private sector support. Both inherently have their own needs, purposes, and processes, so Transform Africa runs parallel processes with dedicated sustainable business models to support this complexity as outlined below.
Government officials have enthusiastically embraced TA’s Water Mission. These governments will provide access to sites, infrastructure, labor and technical resources and sometimes funds to support the Mission. As of May 2023, over 700 site requests in 23 African nations have been made. Also, in some cases, governments will request the water pods be added to their existing water treatment plants to enhance the water quality as most of the plants are quite faulty and ineffective.