The Digit Group is considered a leading expert in smart city technologies and their profound effects on our world; and a global leader in master planning, developing, and managing Smart Cities real estate projects around the world. From the tallest of buildings to the smallest of villages, TDG creates smart cities solutions that provide greater security, increased safety, lower energy use, more efficient water management, safe and comfortable transportation, and a better urban experience. Its smart cities solutions have been implemented in China, Southeast Asia, India, the Middle East, Europe, and throughout the U.S.

TDG’s Chairman and CEO, Paul Doherty, is a globally renowned and award-winning architect and industry thought leader. Doherty is a member of the American Institute of Architects, a Senior Fellow of the Design Futures Council and a Fellow of the International Facility Management Association.

Decentralized Water Treatment

TDG is known for its forward-thinking design strategies and integration of innovative technologies into the DNA of their Smart City real estate developments. An integral component of their Smart City strategy is what they refer to as “Decentralized Water Treatment Systems”. Decentralized water systems work especially well in developing nations where water distribution infrastructure is limited and difficult to finance, build and maintain.

TDG was searching for the right technology to realize their plans when they were introduced to Square 1’s innovative Water Treatment and Purification technology. Containerized and fully automated, the Square 1 system was exactly what TDG was looking for and after several months of due diligence, TDG selected Square 1 Technologies as their exclusive water treatment technology provider.

TDG is in the initial planning and funding phases of several major real estate projects that showcase and specify the Square 1 Water Treatment and Purification technology.